The LilyGo T-Echo comes equipped with a L76K GPS module as standard. However, by default, the Meshtastic firmware sets the GPS to 'Not Present'. This article will guide you through the process of enabling the GPS functionality within the Meshtastic configuration settings, regardless of whether you are using an iPhone, Android device, or the Meshtastic Web Client.
*Ensure your T-Echo is connected to your Phone or PC before proceeding.
- Within the Meshtastic app, tap the settings icon.
- Scroll down to the Device configuration section and tap Position.
- Scroll down to the Device GPS section and tap Enabled.
- Tap the Save button and wait for your device to reboot, loading the new configuration.

- Within the Meshtastic app, tap the 3 dots in the top right corner.
- Tap Radio configuration.
- Within the Radio configuration menu, tap Position.
- Within the Position Config menu, locate GPS enabled and toggle it to the right.
- Within the Position Config menu, scroll down to the bottom and tap Send.

Web Client:
- Within the Meshtastic Web Client, in the left Navigation menu click Config.
- Within the Radio Config menu, click the Position Tab.
- Within the Position settings, locate GPS Enabled and toggle the button to the right.
- In the top right corner of the Web Client, click the Save icon to load the new configuration.