***Pre-requisites - Meshtastic CLI is required for the full nRF52 Factory Erase/Reset. The Windows Meshtastic CLI install Guide can be found HERE.***
Plug your RAK4631 into your Windows PC and double tap the reset button on the RAK4631.
A drive labeled RAK4631 will appear.
*** If the drive is not appearing you may need to install the serial drivers, the instructions can be found HERE. ***
Next open the Meshtastic firmware pack and locate the following file (Download firmware package HERE):
Copy and paste this file onto the RAK4631 drive.
Once complete it will likely give you an error, that is ok, just close out of the error.
For the next step you will need to have already set up CLI and installed Meshtastic on your Windows PC. If you have not yet done so, refer to the guide HERE.
Next open CMD on your Windows PC.
Next enter the following command into CMD:
meshtastic --noproto
Next you can install the latest version of firmware to the RAK4631 using the drag and drop method found HERE.