Setting up CLI for Meshtastic on your Windows PC

For more information on setting up CLI on your Windows PC visit the Meshtastic website here:

First open CMD on your Windows PC.

Once CMD is open run the following command to check if python is already installed or what version of python is installed:
python3 -V

*** Python version 3.4 or greater will be required. It may ask to to download additional requirements, agree and let the requirements download before continuing.***

If you have not yet downloaded and installed Python, we suggest installing the 32bit version as it seem to be more compatible with most Windows PCs even if you are on a 64bit system. You can download and install python HERE.
*** Warning - When installing Python, make sure to select the option to "Add Python to PATH" or check the box that says "Add Python to environment variables". If you missed this during installation, you can add Python to your system's PATH manually after installation. Failing to do so may result in errors when trying to use Python or pip commands.***

Next check that pip3 is installed using the following command (it is usually included in python already):
pip3 -V

Next use the following command to install pytap2:
pip3 install --upgrade pytap2

Next use the following command to install Meshtastic:
pip3 install --upgrade meshtastic

Next use the following command to check if Meshtastic is installed and working:
meshtastic --version