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Video: See if the WiFi hotspots around you are 2.4 or 5 GHz on Microsoft Windows 10, Android, or iPhone

Video: See if the WiFi hotspots around you are 2.4 or 5 GHz on Microsoft Windows 10, Android, or iPhone

In our newest video we demonstrate three simple ways to determine if the WiFi networks around you are 2.4 Ghz or 5 Ghz.

In January 2021, Xfinity began shifting their public WiFi hotspots to 5 Ghz only. This means computers with older 2.4 GHz-only WiFi devices will not be able to detect them. It may be time to upgrade your WiFi to a dual band 5 Ghz capable product.

Additionally, if you already have a 5 GHz compatible WiFi device you will want to connect to 5 GHz networks when available to receive the fastest speeds and throughput. 

If you know you will be using a Windows 10 PC to determine your WiFi networks you may jump ahead to the 0:45 mark of the video.

To see on an Android phone, go to 2:55

Or if you have an iPhone you may head to 4:03

Follow these easy steps to determine the frequency of the WiFi networks around you, and as always if you have any questions please reach out to us here.

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