Meshtastic® is an open-source project using low cost LoRa radios as a long range off-grid communication platform in areas without little or no communications infrastructure. Build your own Meshtastic® compatible device using parts from RAKwireless or Heltec, or try an all-in-one device from RAKwireless or LILYGO. Paired with bluetooth device like a phone, you can send text messages to others without the need for a cellular network. ➡️Need the latest Meshtastic® firmware? Click here

Rokland is a proud financial supporter of Meshtastic®, a project using LoRa radios as a long range off-grid communicator for areas without reliable cellular service. Their generous volunteers donate personal time to write and maintain this codebase. Join their Discord server, and read up on their forum.
Meshtastic® Compatible Antennas & Cases

In Stock: MESHTAC™ 915 Mhz Gooseneck Antenna

The RAK Unify 910421 is everything you need for a solar install with antenna access.

Need flexibility without the gooseneck? Our bendable whip antenna is available now
More all-in-one/handheld devices
Popular Starter Kits and Dev Boards
RAKwireless Hardware

LILYGO Hardware
Need coax cable and a 915 MHz antenna for your Meshtastic gear?
NOTE: aside from this kit above, our other cables at Rokland.com are "RP-SMA" style which is different from "SMA" style used by LILYGO. If you need to purchase a different length cable and get one of our RP-SMA type, also get THIS RP-SMA to SMA CONVERTER to make it fit your LILYGO product.
More about SMA vs. RP-SMA
Ready to get started but don't know what hardware you need to get?
Visit the Meshtastic "Getting Started" section here. Hardware link currently go to RAK and LILYGO web sites directly for delivery from China. Ordering the needed parts here at Rokland will roughly cost the same when factoring in duty and shipping, but will arrive much faster as we are in the United States. If you are looking for a QTY of parts, please ask us for a QTY discount.
Jump into our live chat between 9AM and 5PM EST if you need help ordering the right parts.

Learn more:
Meshtastic® is a registered trademark of Meshtastic LLC. Meshtastic software components are released under various licenses, see GitHub for details. No warranty is provided - use at your own risk.