RAK10701-P Bluetooth Firmware Update / Recovery Apple iOS Guide

Download the nRF Connect for Mobile app from the Apple App store by scanning the QR code above or clicking the link below:
Once the nRF Connect for Mobile app has downloaded, open it and start scanning by tapping the play button in the top right corner.  The RAK Field Tester Kit will appear as a RAK10701.######. Tap the connect button once you have located the device. Next tap the Open Document Picker button and select the RAK10701 v1.1.1 firmware. You can download the firmware by scanning the QR code above or clicking the link below:
More firmware for other devices can be found here:
Tap the start button underneath status. Wait for the upload to complete.  
Next download the WisToolBox app from the Apple App store by scanning the QR code above or clicking the link below:
Once the WisToolBox app is downloaded, open the app and tap the Start button. Next tap the BLE Pairing option. After that click Connect.
Once you have located your RAK10701.###### tap the green link button. Wait for the data to sync Then scroll down to the Device firmware section.
After scrolling down tap the device firmware option. The latest firmware as of 14JAN2025 is v1.1.2.. Tap the drop down arrow and then tap Upgrade device. Next tap Upgrade firmware.
The device will begin to update and notify you when it has completed. Upon completion the RAK field tester will reboot. You can check the firmware version by taping the gear icon found in the bottom right corner of the screen on the RAK device.