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Announcing Rokland+, Wi-Fi that picks up around the world (April Fool's joke)

Announcing Rokland+, Wi-Fi that picks up around the world (April Fool's joke)

[We published the article below on Friday, April 1st, 2016 as an April Fool's Day joke. Because the day has passed, we have added this text to clarify this is not a real product].

Introducing Rokland+, a new Wi-Fi receiver and router combination so powerful, it can go all the way around the world.

Up until now, items capable of receiving Wi-Fi signals such as cell phones and laptops were limited to a couple hundred feet of range from typical Wi-Fi routers. Some of our long range Wi-Fi products released over the years have pushed this to 1000-2000 feet or more.

But now we've really done it- our new Rokland+ Wi-Fi receiver is capable of going all the way around the world to pick up a Wi-Fi signal from our Rokland+ Wi-Fi router.

So if you live in a home in Gainesville, Florida, and you have a Rokland+ Wi-Fi router in your home and a Rokland+ Wi-Fi receiver connected to your computer, it will go around the world and connect to your router.

Here are some important FAQs about our new product

1. Can the product pick up other Wi-Fi signals around the world?

A: No, it can only be used with a Rokland+ router installed in the same home as your adapter

2. If my Rokland+ router is installed 100 feet away from my Rokland+ Global Wi-Fi adapter, how do I know the signal is really being picked up from around the world, instead of just the 100 feet?

A: Good question

3. When will Rokland+ equipment be ready?

A: We thought it would be ready this summer but now we are looking at an April 1, 2017 planned launch date, we've run into some supply side issues through several channels and hope we won't be fooled again.

4: Aww y'all got my hopes up for a second, can I at least get a coupon code for something else on your site for wasting my time?

A: Sure, use the code FOOLMEONCE to save 10% on purchases of $50 or more through Sunday April 3rd. And no, the coupon code is not a joke! Though it must be entered in italics to, no it doesn't need to be. OK, we're done. The coupon code is real though, seriously.

[We published the article above on Friday, April 1st, 2016 as an April Fool's Day joke. Because the day has passed, we have added this text to clarify this is not a real product].

5 comments on Announcing Rokland+, Wi-Fi that picks up around the world (April Fool's joke)
  • Rokland LLC
    Rokland LLC

    We are sorry Thomas Buyea, but it is just an April Fool’s joke. However if you are looking for a long range Wi-Fi solution, we have some products that are no laughing matter. Dial the sales number at the top right of the page or hit us up via email for further discussion.

    April 01, 2016
  • Thomas Buyea
    Thomas Buyea

    So is this real or not and can I save money over my overpriced AT&T service ?

    April 01, 2016
  • Steven

    I knew this was a joke right after reading the headline- if the thing could pick up every signal in the world your computer would just hang up from the millions of hotspots it would have to display as available connections. And if your home router name was linksys or dlink you would have to guess between a million other different networks with the same name. Ironically you could make the best receiver in the world and it would PO your customers because they couldn’t even use it for anything!!! :)

    April 01, 2016
  • Daran

    Ha dang I thought yall were goin to become billionaires for a sec, work around the world like that

    April 01, 2016
  • Matthew

    April Fools!

    April 01, 2016
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