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Alfa Camp Pro Systems: The Difference Between Wi-Fi and 4G

Alfa Camp Pro Systems: The Difference Between Wi-Fi and 4G

You may be familiar with Alfa Network's line of range extension systems for RVs and boats including the Alfa WiFi Camp Pro 2 and Alfa WiFi Camp Pro 2 Mini.

With the soon-to-be launched "Alfa 4G Camp Pro" system, we put together a short video explaining the difference between Wi-Fi and 4G to help you determine which system will be best for your needs.

2 comments on Alfa Camp Pro Systems: The Difference Between Wi-Fi and 4G

    Hi Michael,

    The reason you are unable to get into the ALFA setup site is because you have not successfully connected your device to the WiFi network named WiFiCampPro2.

    I will include a setup video showing how to do this, if that does not resolve your issue feel free to contact us via live chat or phone.

    Here is the link:

    May 13, 2021
  • Michael Reilly
    Michael Reilly

    Cannot get into your website, WHY. To change my password!!!

    May 13, 2021
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