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Come visit Alfa Network, Inc. & Rokland Technologies at CES 2020 in Las Vegas

Come visit Alfa Network, Inc. & Rokland Technologies at CES 2020 in Las Vegas

We are excited to announce Rokland Technologies will be joining Alfa Network Inc. at CES 2020 this year! Come see us January 7th-10th in Las Vegas to meet with reps and see new products on the way.

CES Expo attendance is restricted to people in the tech industry or media and is not open to the general public. For registration info, click here.

We will have meeting space available for clients, developers, or manufacturing partners that are interested in a meeting. Contact us today to schedule.

Important Details:

Alfa Network booth: LVCC South Plaza Booth 61033
Come see Alfa January 7-10th
Come see Rokland January 9-10th
Rokland Meeting Space at the Venetian

CES Map for Alfa booth

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