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Video: ALFA AWUS036ACHM dual band USB Wi-Fi adapter 5 Ghz speed test vs. AWUS036NH 2.4GHz

Video: ALFA AWUS036ACHM dual band USB Wi-Fi adapter 5 Ghz speed test vs. AWUS036NH 2.4GHz

We continue to be impressed by ALFA Network's newest 802.11ac standard USB WiFi range booster, model AWUS036ACHM, based on the Mediatek MT7610U chipset.

This weekend, the Rokland Technologies crew sat down to film a range and speed test video for our Youtube channel. We decided to test it vs. ALFA's long popular AWUS036NH model, of the previous generation 802.11n standard. Take a watch:

1 comment on Video: ALFA AWUS036ACHM dual band USB Wi-Fi adapter 5 Ghz speed test vs. AWUS036NH 2.4GHz
  • Alan tracey
    Alan tracey

    Didn’t you just do a speed test comparison of a 5 GHz high-speed Wi-Fi band compared to a 2.4 GHz not slow but a lot slower band then 5 GHz ? The reality is that the ACHM everybody should own it anyways but I was really looking forward to seeing a 2.4 band versus 2.4 band speed comparison not that we can buy the AWUS036NH. I’ve bought 4 or 5 adapters and a Parabolic Grid Antenna from your company And I am very satisfied and pleased with all my purchases and I’m by no means complaining either I just can’t find any review anywhere online how good the new is at replacing the old, But knowing Alfa it’s unlikely they would replace the old with something that was of equal or lesser quality most likely it’s better in every way on 2.4Ghz too..

    February 23, 2022
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