Introducting Advanced Tech Support from Rokland
Technical support for any product you purchase from Rokland will always be free.If you need support for a product we don't sell,...
RAKwireless WisGateOS2 Update: WisGateOS2 2.2.0
RAKwireless has announced a major upgrade to their WisGate firmware, WisGateOS2 2.2.0. Read more about this important update at the RAKwireless...
Raspberry Pi 5 is coming, and we have a FAQ
Raspberry Pi 5 is coming, and we have updates regarding case and power supply requirements, availability, and more!
Understanding WiFi terms like 1T1R, 2T2R, and MIMO
In antenna and router technology, terms like 1T1R, 2T2R, and so on are used to describe the configuration of antennas...
Why technology products get discontinued or reach EOL
We've all heard the technology term "end of life", or EOL for short. Often times as consumers we also figure...
Arduino boards now at Rokland!
We are thrilled to announce the latest additions to our product lineup: the Arduino UNO WiFi REV2, Arduino Mega 2560 Rev3,...
What is the difference between u-blox and L76K?
The main difference between u-blox and L76K is their positioning accuracy. u-blox is a Swiss company that specializes in GNSS...
What is EUB shipping or ePacket delivery?
EUB or ePacket shipping options on different web sites mean your order is shipping from a different country and could...